A website that takes inventory of Apple products in nearby stores has been shut down by the Cupertino giant itself.
Apple-Tracker, which was developed and maintained by Mordy Tikotzky, was a site that compiled data on in-store pickup purchases only from Apple’s official online store. So if you were shopping for an iPad Air and wanted a specific model, you could’ve used Apple-Tracker to see which stores nearby had the item in stock.
However, Apple sent Tikotzky a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) takedown notice last month claiming that the site uses page-scrape tools to “access, acquire, copy or monitor” data from Apple’s website.
The DMCA notice was sent October 17 by the law firm Kilpatrick, Townsend and Stockton LLP.
Hence, Tikotzky has decided to let the site go.
“I’ve deciced to turn off the site,” Tikotzky posted on Apple-Tracker. “I’m not doing this because I want to, but rather because I received a DMCA takedown notice from Apple.
I’m not really interested in picking a fight with apple so….. I guess it time to just say good bye. Before I go though I just wanted to says thanks to all of you for the nice comments and emails that you’ve sent in the last few weeks. It was fun while it lasted.”
Apple-Tracker most recently provided inventory info on products like the iPhone 5S, iPad Air and was even gearing up for the iPad mini with Retina display.